Monthly Archives: October 2021

Decluttering Tips for Your Car

Decluttering Tips for Your Car

The average American driver spends 600 hours each year in their car - that's roughly 25 whole days. With all that time in a vehicle, you can imagine you may need to do some cleaning and decluttering. Not only can piling up things in your car diminish the appearance, but it can also weigh your car down, increasing your fuel consumption. Today, we are going to go over the best decluttering tips for your car!   In order to start the organization process, first, you need to take everything out so you can do inventory. That way, you have a clear view of what needs to be thrown out, stored away, or kept in the car. An essential item to invest in for your vehicle is a small trash can. If not, you should bring along some leftover grocery bags to use as trash bags. As a result, you'd have a designated area to throw trash away.   Most of the time, the most significant source of clutter in cars comes from storing temporary items. The things typically include sports equipment ... read more